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Double S-Line Rhinoplasty

The T-zone is the T-shaped facial area that covers the forehead, nose, frontal cheekbones, nasal alae, and the tip of the chin. Along the T-zone, the Facial profile consists of a larger S-line going down the forehead to the nose and a smaller S-line from the lips to the tip of the chin. If these two S lines are properly balanced, the result is a youthful and lovely face shape. Double S-Line Rhinoplasty is for making the two S-lines, which are flow over the forehead, nose and chin on the T-zone, beautifully balanced. For this, surgical procedures are performed separately on the forehead, nose and tip of the chin, and the three different procedures must be carefully designed for harmonization before surgery to produce a natural-looking and youthful face shape. As for the forehead, autologous fat grafts or implant surgery can be conducted depending on autologous individual and for the tip of chin, autologous fat grafting, implant insertion or contouring surgery may be required to give you a beautiful profile.
Advantages of Double S-Line Rhinoplasty

01. Transforms the plain T-zone into a lovely double S-line

02. Gives an elegant image without orthodontia, gingivoplasty, or mouth protrusion surgery

03. Makes your cheekbones look smaller and your jaw more slender

04. Widens the nasolabial angle (between nasal columella and lips) and makes your lip line pretty

05. Make the face look slender and young

06. Make a perfect double S-line at the same time with a much reduced cost  



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입꼬리 사각턱 수술, 턱끝 전진술, 리프팅 3D 광대회전술, 코 재수술, 자연유착 눈매교정술, 러블리페이스 지방이식
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    입꼬리사각턱, 턱끝전진, 리프팅광대회전, 코재수술, 자연유착, 지방이식
  • 썸네일
    입꼬리사각턱, 리프팅광대회전, 코
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